Friday, August 10, 2012

How to create users on your Synology NAS?

In this post I will tell you how to create users on your Synology NAS (firmware is "Synology DSM3.2" but the process should be similar in other versions). First you must log in to your NAS as an administrator... 

You create a user on your Synology NAS as follows:

1) Press the little arrow in the upper right corner and then select "Control Panel" in the menu that appears:

2) In the menu that appears, select "User" in the top line.

3) In the window that appears you must at least enter a username (It is most probably also a good idea to specify a password). Press "Next" when finished.

4) Next, you select whether you want this new user to be "administrator" or just a regular "user". Check "User" and press "Next" when finished.

5) Then you can assign user rights to the shares you have created. If you have not yet created any shares, you can read how to do this here [LINK]. Alternatively, you can set/modify user rights later on. Press "Next" when finished.

6) Now you can choose whether the user will have space restrictions (and if so how much). If you don’t fill out anything a user will not have space restrictions. Press "Next" when finished.

7) If you have activated some of the more advanced features of you Synology NAS (music station, photo station, etc.), you will be able to define the user access to these if desired. If you have not activated these features yet this step is not relevant for you.

8) Finally, you’ll see a summary where you can check that all settings for that specific user are correct. If so, click "Apply" to create the user.

You have now created a new user and can repeat the process until the desired number of users is created.


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